Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We Met Michael York!

I promised Michael York photos would be forthcoming, and here they are! (If you're just tuning in, the Rogues are collaborating with Long Beach Opera and Michael York to present a Frankenstein story this March.) Mr. York was exeedingly professional and courteous, and was very patient while the photographers took hundreds of pictures of him in the Rogue workshop. Here are some of our favorites:

That's me with the dead dog from D is for Dog on the right, and Kerry with a Visitor from the same show on the right. That classy gentleman in the middle is Michael York (!!!).

Above: Michael York gleefully holding the disembodied head of a Visitor.

There are a couple of other Frankenstein!! pictures on the project page on our website, as well as a link to buy tickets if you're interested.

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