Thursday, January 3, 2008

Crag Man

I made my first mask last night (see pics below)! I was hesitant at first, since I don't consider myself a very "artistic" person, but what the hell--it's only clay. If I did a terrible job someone else could come along and save it.

Guess what though?!

I didn't do a terrible job! I did a pretty good job (if I do say so myself--and I do). It took a while to get zen, but after I coated the face in clay and started futzing around with adding various facial features, the personality of the mask emerged in surprising spurts. I had an odd "I am god" moment when I realized that the mask had a definite personality, separate from myself (yet of myself).

While the mask did not end up where I thought it was going, I am very happy with the result. We didn't have any archetypical "strong man" masks so I was aiming for Patrick Swayze/Gaston from Beauty and the Beast (modeling, of course, from Tyler's face). He ended up more like a slightly confused, unintentionally mean Neanderthal (sorry, Tyler).

Butchering the word Cro magnon and inspired by the awesome mountainy look that he had when sculpted from marbled clay, I have named him Crag Man.

1 comment:

Cari Turley said...

Haha, I think I will still call him Craig, though. Craig and Old Man River will be the best of friends. :)