Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ready, set...Superman dance!!!

My favorite part of Frankenstein (!!) was the carpool, but there's no way to vote for that in the poll.

You guys, you have absolutely no idea how much it means to me that I was able to be a part of this incredible show. I was so worried only two weeks ago, since I am still somewhat of a noob to this mask and puppet stuff, not to mention the anxiety of working with Logan oh my god. That fear was soon replaced with nothing but endless Rogue/carpool love. Seriously, you guys are some of the sweetest, funniest, and most talented people I know and it helped so much that no matter how hectic or exhausting rehearsals got, or how many times something had to be re-blocked, we were always in it together. We created such an amazing show together, you guys!!!

Remember our travelling pizza party? Remember our little friend Secret?

Hey guys, do you remember the scene in Ghostbusters where they steal the baby? The Ghostbusters Baby Steal?

Cari, Jenny, B-rock...I just finished a show with you guys! I saw you every single day for weeks! WHY AM I NOT SICK OF YOU YET?!? We've gotta do something to hold us over until we can re-instate the carpool for another show, right? (I'm dreaming big here, I know, but I am seriously falling in love with the Rogues...) Omelette Parlor reunion is on. Maybe we can invite Mr Jazz Pants, too.

But Jenny, if you're ever late again, the carpool is totally leaving without you.



Jenny said...



btw, why is it that byron can always be late but never be left but jenny is late once and is left stranded?!?


but i still love you.

Cari Turley said...

Haha, poor Jenny...we totally ditched you that one time, huh? :)

Dude! I forgot all about Secret! Also, I am actually compiling a list of all the carpool inside jokes and it is several dozen entries long already. I'm not really sure what to do with it.