Thursday, October 23, 2008

We're in a book!

This is the most exciting thing I've gotten to post in a while. :)

A few months ago, the Rogues were approached by a man working on a sort of biography/encylopedia of the works of Neil Gaiman. He asked us about Mr. Punch and our relationship to Gaiman, and we told him what he wanted to know. Very nice guy.

Now, after all this time, his book is being released! It's called "Prince of Stories: The Many World of Neil Gaiman" and it is AWESOME. According to Amazon, it's got:
...hours of exclusive interviews with Gaiman and conversations with his collaborators, as well as wonderful nuggets of his work such as the beginning of an unpublished novel, a rare comic and never-before-seen essay, this is a treasure trove of all things Gaiman. In addition to providing in depth information and commentary on Gaiman’s myriad works, the book also includes rare photographs, book covers, artwork, and related trivia and minutiae, making it both an insightful introduction to his work, and a true “must-have” for his ever growing legion of fans.
We received a couple promotional copies of the book the other day, and we were not disappointed. Of the dozen of so pages of color photos in the book, a full three are from our production of Mr. Punch! In fact, the Rogues have a whole chapter: "A Conversation with Rogues!" There are interviews with Sean Cawelti, Megan Owings, Jenny Owings, and me about our process, our inspirations, and more. See?

Things discovered: It's hard to take pictures of books. So if you can't quite make that out, I guess you'll just have to buy the book, won't you? :)

Click here to pre-order the book (comes out October 28...not long to wait!). Thanks to Christopher Golden for contacting us, and thanks to everyone for supporting us and helping us do what we do!

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