Rogue fans, we need your help!
Rogue Artists Ensemble has an exciting season ahead of us. We've got
Gogol Project, a collaboration with Long Beach Opera, more
Frog Belly performances than you can shake a stick at, our original adaptation of
Pinocchio...and a special little project called
HYPERBOLE: origins.
Why is
origins so special? Well, it's the fifth installment in our HYPERBOLE series, which may exemplify the Rogue aesthetic more than any other kind of show we do. The original was our very first show back in 2001, and we liked it so much than we developed two more on our own:
HYPERBOLE: changes in 2004 (my first Rogue show, just as a sidenote) and
HYPERBOLE: epiphany in 2005. But it wasn't until 2008 that we realized that HYPERBOLES work best when shared.
That was the year we held a workshop at UC Irvine and developed
HYPERBOLE: (anti)gravity with the students there. The only thing wrong with that show was that we'd already used the title "epiphany," because that's exactly what it felt like. In just two weeks, with brand-new student Rogues, we created one of our most powerful and moving pieces to date.
So that's where you come in.
HYPERBOLE: origins is scheduled to premiere in 2010, and we'd like your help. We want to explore creation stories from various cultures, religions, countries, and families. What were you brought up to believe? What do you believe now? What stories would you tell your children? Have you ever read a book with a particularly lovely creation story?
Leave us a comment (if you'd rather contribute privately, just email and share your stories. The more the better! This is HYPERBOLE, after all.