What's next for Rogue Artists Ensemble? Part of our top-secret planning is to infiltrate the 2010 Hollywood Fringe Festival with our next new work. Last Saturday we drove into the depths of downtown L.A. to be a part of commercial shoot, advertising the event. I carpooled with Katie and we followed the excellent directions down alleys and around firetrucks to find the studio.

Mr. Punctual (a.k.a. Ryan Maes) was already there waiting for us. Sean swooped in just in the nick of time to deliver a veritable arsenal of puppets so that we could pick and choose our participants for the shoot. Here, the Old Clerk warms up his three hands for maximum gesticulation.

And remember this friendly face?

That's right! It's Katie! Oh, and the No. 1 the mail carrier is hanging out with us, too. Or is it No. 2?
Being a theater junkie myself, it was a rare treat for me to get a glimpse behind the scenes at a film shoot. They have lights and speakers just like we do.

But they also have these strange contraptions on 3-legged stands that require a lot of staring into for some reason.

The thing about filming is that you have to deal with a lot of downtime. Thank goodness for smart phones. Here is the Old Clerk checking his e-mail.

Rabbit doesn't have a iPhone or a Blackberry. So instead he used the time to meditate on life and the conundrum of being an artist in a modern, increasingly interdependent world.

We Rogues are admittedly somewhat hermit-like among the Los Angeles theater community. You might say that it's our New Year's Resolution to put down the plastic cup of punch and come out on the dance floor. Dancing makes me so anxious, though…
I'm happy to say that we played nice with other theater companies at the Fringe shoot. Here is Rat from Frog Belly Rat Bone engaging in a nose fight with Matt from Need Theater.

Come to think of it, I know just who we should have brought along if we knew there was going to be a nose fight! Do you?
That was fun. When the commercial becomes available online, you can bet that we'll post a link in this space. You can find more information about the Hollywood Fringe Festival at their
fun website.
